The famous King's cake revisited, lightened, without butter, without lactose and organic!
For 8 people:
Puff pastry
- 500 g wholemeal spelt flour
- 4 tbsp. flaxseed
- 2 tbsp. almond puree
- 6 cl of olive oil
- 10 cl water
- 2 pinches of salt
Pastry cream
- 25 cl almond milk
- 1 egg
- 25 g wholegrain cane sugar
- 1 tbsp. soy cream
- 20 g cornstarch
- 1 tbsp. orange blossom
Almond cream
- 125 g almond powder
- 75 g wholegrain cane sugar
- 1 egg
- 100 g sugar-free applesauce
- 3 pears
Preparation time: 20 min Cooking time: 25 min
1 - Puff pastry :
Mix all the ingredients (by hand or in a food processor), adding the water a little at a time. Form into a ball and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
2 - Pastry cream :
Heat the milk and orange blossom in a saucepan. In a bowl, mix the egg with the sugar, then add the cream and cornflour. Pour the milk into the bowl, mix well and return to the saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the mixture thickens. Spread on a baking sheet and chill in the fridge.
3 - Almond cream :
Mix all the ingredients together. Then add the custard and mix well.
4 - Peel the pears and cut them into strips.
5 - Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Roll out into 2 discs of about 25 cm in diameter. Place the pears on the first disc and cover with the cream mixture, leaving 1 cm of space around the edge of the pastry. Lightly moisten the edge of the pastry with a brush. Cover with the second pastry and seal the edges with your fingers or a fork.
6 - Make slight sketches (e.g. a rosette) on the pastry with a sharp knife, without piercing it. Brush it with an egg yolk.
7 - Bake for 5 min at 220°C then 20 min at 190°C.
Note: you can also make individual portions by making small circles in the dough.
For a gluten-free version, you can replace the spelt with rice flour for example.
Recipe published with the kind permission of the site Naturacademy

Hello, I'm Vincent
Like you, I'm lactose intolerantI know exactly what you're going through and the difficulties you encounter on a daily basis. For over 10 years, I've been helping our customers to use our dietary supplements and giving advice and tips on how to improve their digestive comfort. I'm also a keen cook and gourmet, so you'll find my favourite recipes for a lactose-free diet in this blog.
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